About Walter
Walter was a successful indie artist in the 1970s and 80s performing top 40s music in clubs along the East Coast of Florida and eventually moving to Nashville. But God had other plans for Walter and soon sent him on a major detour where he met up-and-coming writer and vocalist J. R. Hood, and agreed to play back-up for a song Hood was singing at his local church, Christ Church of Nashville.
During performance of that song, something happened to Walter. He said “I was listening to the words while playing and they were really touching me. I realized at that moment I was going to surrender my life to Jesus. Being saved at ten was good, but being surrendered at thirty three was AWESOME!”
Walter’s music changed dramatically, from writing Country music to – in his words - “trying to write what you call Gospel. It didn’t come easy and my first attempts were really bad.”
Walter migrated from the Country music Mecca and, in 1997, ended up in the comparatively tiny burg of Carnesville, Georgia, as worship leader for a local church. It was there he began writing what he finally could call Gospel music. One of his first, a song he dubbed, Let It Flow, came to him in a way that further changed his songwriting style.
“The Pastor was preaching about the River of God,” says Walter, “and the idea just came to me after a service.
A planned three-day meeting turned into twenty-one days, and the ‘River Song’ became the theme of the whole meeting! My music has never been the same again. It wasn’t me just crafting songs; these were coming from the Spirit of God. All I did was listen - playing and writing were coming from Him.”
To underscore the fact that he was no longer “in control” of his songwriting style, the congregation renamed Let It Flow to simply The River Song.
Ten years later, in 2007, Walter went into the studio to record the songs that were inspired by the Holy Spirit, expecting to simply put them in a vault for his grandchildren. The engineer, however, persuaded him to press the project, and within weeks, Sing Unto the Lord a New Song was released under his own publishing company, Season and Time Publishing.
Walter is currently teamed with J. R. Hood once more, this time writing songs as the Lord leads them. He is on the worship team at the Torch Worship Center in Baldwin, Georgia. He is also writing a book called, Being Papa, for his two granddaughters. Walter resides in Toccoa, Georgia, with his wife Jennifer.
HOT OFF THE PRESS - Walter has just released a new book called "Being Papa"! The links to buy are on the book cover. This is a great read and one that will have you laughing and crying and seeing the heart of God in a new a wonderful way!
Co-writes with J.R. Hood include: SUNDAY'S ON THE WAY and HEY WORLD
Walt and I met almost 30 years ago in Nashville in response to a 3"X5" card I had tacked to a bulletin board in a music store..."Guitar Player Wanted". We've been buddies and brothers-in-Christ ever since.


"I wrote this during a time of meetings in Carnesville, Ga. I was a worship leader at a small church of about 60 people. We planned a 3-day meeting with a special evangelist, and it turned into 21 days of people coming form everywhere and being saved, delivered, healed, and the church grew to over 250 with that time. The Pastor was preaching from Ezekiel 47, the River of God. He was talking about how the people of God start getting into God's River ankle deep, knee deep, waist deep, and so on....but God want's us in the River over our head...and we are to trust Him where He takes us...I was inspired to write this song from the preaching...it became the theme song for that whole 21 days...it is actually my what we call in the "music business" my signature song"